
Yields: 1 Serving

A creamy Greek garlic sauce often served as a topping, a condiment, or a food dip that is commonly prepared with numerous Mediterranean foods. Tzatziki is a white sauce made with yogurt, cream, cucumbers, fresh herbs and seasonings, such as mint, dill, olive oil, and garlic. Served as a chilled sauce, tzatziki is commonly used on gyros, pita sandwiches, dolmades, roast lamb, roast pork or beef, fish or seafood, rice dishes, grilled vegetables, and many other foods. This cold sauce with fresh ingredients adds a refreshing taste to many foods. Tzatziki sauce may also be referred to as tsatziki, tzatziki, satziki, satsike, or simply as a yogurt and cucumber sauce.


0/5 Ingredients
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0/3 Instructions
  • 1. For tzatziki, coarsely grate cucumbers and place in a colander, stand for 15 minutes, weighted with a plate, to drain out excess liquid. Place grated cucumber in muslin and squeeze out any remaining liquid.
  • 2. Place garlic and a little sea salt in a mortar and, using a pestle, pound to a paste.
  • 3. Place cucumber, garlic paste, Yoghurt and vinegar into a food processor, season with freshly ground black pepper and process until smooth, slowly adding the olive oil with motor running. Transfer to a bowl, cover and refrigerate until ready to use.


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